Monday, September 26, 2011

I am one years old!!!

Baba and I on my 1st birthday party!
Eid day with my baba.

Hanging out on eid.
Time to play!

Mommom and I on eid.

Eating chocolate for the first time yummmm!
Happy Birthday Mommom...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Trip to RI

hanging out with abbu at the beach

abbu and I enjoying the water

ten to eleven months

I visited the natures center with mom mom and abbu, we saw animals

This is an OX

We tried taking some family
Eating at the table with my chachas

Visiting abbu for the first time, at one of his cricket games

Reading of course
I have been meeting new friends

I have been falling aslee

Sunday, June 12, 2011


 I have been holding the sides of my crib and standing up, oh what a great feeling!!

Tickle time with abbu and laughing out loud
Faizaan bhai, ammu and I. Faizaan bhai& I were hanging out a lot for a while. I miss laughing at him...

I have learned to take over laptops and then I start typing

Hanging out outside

Stealing Arwan's pacifier and trying to play with him

My first time visiting Manhattan, posing with nanu and abbu

Time to take a picture with my loving abbu in Manhattan, all smiles!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Eight to nine months

Hanging out with Amamma on the bed, I can sit now and pretend to do grown up things

I am also standing, and I try to jump out of my crib at times

With Muaz chacha, shopping at the fun!

Oh ababa I love you too <3


Chilling with my hoodie on

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Having fun with Muaz chacha